A new exercise regiment…

Well, this should hopefully be good.

Nearly two years ago, I started a new exercise regiment in order to get healthier and lose weight. What I started doing was exercise with small hand weights for five minutes when I get up every weekday morning, and doing 25 minutes of Dance Dance Revolution three times a week. While I enjoyed doing it, it got to the point where I wondered whether it was doing any more good for me or not. It didn’t help that I always felt it really wasn’t as much of a workout as I should be getting. So, with Jennifer’s support, I took the plunge this past Sunday.

I’ve officially joined a gym.

Jennifer’s been a member of 24 Hour Fitness for quite some time, and had been encouraging me to join. She and I went on Sunday (with me using a free week pass), and I was impressed enough to join as soon as we were done. My big hangup with gyms previously was that even with personal training, I’d never be able to keep up with how to do most of the exercises. (I speak from experience.) However, most of the machines have directions on them, which put me at ease right away. The staff was also very courteous and helpful.

So, now I’m going to the gym four times a week. I’ve settled into a good exercise routine that should do me pretty well, once my body adjusts to the extra level of exertion. Keeping to the routine shouldn’t be hard, either, as there are locations right outside my neighborhood, right by Jennifer’s neighborhood, and one or two by our offices. Here’s hoping it works out pretty well for me… no pun intended. :-)