A followup from earlier…

Well, I just got back from the eye doctor’s office a little bit ago. Apparently I have a corneal ulcer on the right side of my left eye. Fortunately it’s not on the pupil or iris itself, but halfway between the iris and the edge of the cornea. I’ve been prescribed an antibiotic to put into my eye four times a day, and the doctor wants to follow up with me on Monday to see how it’s healing. It’s hardly fun, but at least it’ll help my eye get better.

I had coffee late last night with Sean and Jinny at the Denny’s up at I-45 and Research Forest Drive. It’s kind of funny… they call it “their” Denny’s, and after seeing that at least two waiters know them by name and feel absolutely comfortable BSing with them, I don’t think their claim is at all invalid. :-) It really was a fun night, as we discussed old times and current times and all the stuff in-between. I definitely wouldn’t mind doing it again… just not on a weekday, considering I need my sleep. Heh.

As it stands, it’s probably going to be a pretty quiet weekend, all told. I don’t really have anything of note planned, except maybe going out to buy a coffeemaker and/or getting some games of Generals in with Sinc. Right now, I’m just having a cup of coffee and pondering installing Hoyle Casino onto my main PC to practice on before Friday.

Oh, and I added a new link to the top menu bar of the site. The “about-the-site” page is simply a quickie intro to me and to the site; I figured that if I was hosting this journal on my site I might as well put that in there. I have at least one more thing I’ll add to the site in 2006, but I’ll leave it as a surprise for you all. :-)

Anyway, enough rambling… gonna check some things for MK Online and then waste away my day.