The Louisiana trip holding pattern, and other things…


Well, it turns out that my trip to Louisiana’s been postponed again. As much as I’m not looking forward to going to Houma and Jennings, I’d just as soon get it over and done with. This time I’m stuck waiting on a new hard drive to install on the Houma server. Once that’s ordered and in, I can go ahead and do the upgrade and be done with it. As it stands I’m stuck waiting for an IDE CD burner to come in so I can replace the CD burner on the server in Cypress. Looks like THAT task will have to be done tomorrow…

Sean surprised me last night at around 8:30 PM by calling me and asking if I wanted to do dinner and coffee with him and his wife. I had no problem with that, so off I went to meet them at Strack’s (a local barbecue restaurant) at 9 PM. He and Ginny got there, we sat down, and caught up over dinner. (I hadn’t planned on eating there, but I was beginning to feel a bit peckish, so I had a barbecue beef sandwich.) After dinner, we went over to Denny’s for coffee. (Yes, yes, we could have eaten at Denny’s. Strack’s has better food.) It was really good catching up with them and getting an idea of where the old crowd has gotten to. Some of the info made me raise an eyebrow (Sean’s ex married his younger brother?! She’s OUR age!), but overall, things are good. :-) Here’s to keeping in contact more after the long disconnect.

I still need to make a couple of changes to the main site… hmm. I might put in a link to my Gallery, plus maybe an About Me page. The site’s still a work in progress, so even though it’s open, there’s always room for improvement. I also kinda wish a small summary of each post posted to the LJ instead of the entire thing, but I can live with that for now.

Anyway, I gotta make a phone call for a support issue. Fun fun…

2 thoughts on “The Louisiana trip holding pattern, and other things…”

  1. To be honest, I kind of like how it posts the entire article in LJ, because I read what you have to say and others on my Friends page a lot on my LJ and it’s very convienant if I don’t come here first.

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