Well, it’s Sunday morning, and I’m close to halfway done with the three-day weekend. Before I go any futher, I just thought I’d post my latest desktop, for anyone who’s interested…

Yes, those are characters from both Diablo II and World of WarCraft in that wallpaper. I mentioned that I was going to work on my “Pile of Shame” (aka, games I have that I’m ashamed that I never started or finished) this weekend, and the first game on that list is in fact Diablo II. Once I complete that, I’ll likely go to Final Fantasy VII and finish that; the last time I played it was on PC, and I’ve since lost the save files due to the ravages of time. Not to mention the fact that last I checked, it wasn’t playable on Windows XP…. anyway, I picked up the PS1 version some months back, and then later on picked up a PS1 memory card (as I didn’t realize at the time that PS2 memory cards wouldn’t work), but never got around to playing it. I probably will soon, though.
As far as Diablo II goes, I was discussing it with people on #mortalkombat last night, and Shinnokxz was expressing disbelief that I would rather play it than World of WarCraft. I had to explain to him that I was playing it single-player and not multiplayer, and that I was playing it just to say I finally did. He tried to get me to go to World of WarCraft instead, even offering a free ten-day trial. I’ll eventually get into WoW (hence the wallpaper, really), but it won’t be for a bit. I’d like to have a decent laptop back before I get into MMORPGs again, just so I have access to my communications while in-game. :-)
As for today, I really don’t have too much planned other than playing some Diablo II and likely doing some work for the office that got overlooked a while ago and needs to be done. Well, the parents and I will likely go out to the County Line (a really good barbecue restaurant in the area) for dinner, but that’s about it. I also need to get my bedroom into some semblance of neatness so I don’t trip and kill myself while traversing it, but that’s a whole different story. In any event, time for me to get some more coffee. Fun fun…