Well, the home network is back up and running. I had planned on doing a bit of checking to see if I could get the WAP/router (a Linksys WRT54G) back up and running, but when I really thought about it I decided that after a complete and total failure like that, the safest thing to do is just to get a new device. So, I ran down to Office Depot at about 9 AM, and bought a brand new WRT54G. I brought it home, got it configured, and proceeded to replace the old router with the new one…
… and Dad decided he wanted to take that opportunity to rearrange the servers and printers.
Of course, that meant shutting everything down, so belated apologies to anyone who happened to be trying to access the site or their emails this morning. After a lot of moving around and a lot of frustration, we finally managed to get everything in their new places and get everything back up and running. And now, if you’d like, I took a picture of the end result.

I will admit I was not happy about being asked to do the movearound this morning. In hindsight, though, it ended up looking rather nice, and the stuff like the DSL modem, router, and even the KVM switch are a LOT easier to get to. So, the time was well-spent.
Ah, well. I’ve got other stuff that needs doing at this point. Fun fun…