Have no fear… oh, shit, Underdog is here?

Oh, boy.

As if I didn’t think Hollywood could find anything else to remake, they prove me wrong again. This time, they’re remaking the classic cartoon series Underdog… as a live-action movie.

Underdog movie poster

If you’re brave of heart, you can even see a shot of Underdog in flight here. For me, though… I loved Underdog when I was a small child, but this… no. This is just wrong on so many damn levels.

One thought on “Have no fear… oh, shit, Underdog is here?”

  1. I have to agree. When you showed me the link to the poster, I really was thinking wtf. I liked…no strike that…I like the Underdog cartoon series….but well…we saw how Scooby Doo turned out with live action….I guess I have no right to comment on how bad that was since I bought both dvds for Scooby…but it was lacking in quality to say the least.

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