I’m still getting used to using this Compaq Presario laptop again. I’m using it now because my Powerbook is at the Apple Store undergoing repairs. I first noticed the problem on Monday, and it occured again on Wednesday. When the system was under high load, it would crash. I would then have to wait for a few hours before it would come back up without crashing to a blank screen again, and even then I had great difficulty getting it to come up in normal mode. It would come up in safe mode and single-user mode, but only occasionally would it come up in normal mode. I took it in to Apple yesterday, and they’re going to send it in for repairs. So, when I got home last night, I pulled my Compaq Presario 17XL365 out of storage, and loaded Fedora Core 4 on it. I’ve got the laptop operational now, but I’ve had to deal with my share of typos… bah. I can’t wait until my Powerbook’s back and fully working.
I did something new and different last night… well, new and different for me anyway. Louie had been taking salsa lessons, and went to a place called the SkyBar with Dave two weeks ago for salsa dancing. I would have gone then, but I had already committed to a poker game. Well, last night I went with Louie and took the crash course in salsa. Did I dance with anyone afterwards? Unsurprisingly… no. There were a couple of women there I might have been interested in asking to dance, but I was nowhere near confident enough in my abilities; even then, as is typical of me… my brain locked. It’s as if my brain’s wiring is completely incapable of allowing me to ask a woman to dance or some such. I just… could not do it. *shrug*
We’ll see if I get any better tonight. Louie and I are going to hit Drink Houston, and Dave MIGHT be coming with us. (It depends on whether or not he’s up to going.) I might even go up on stage and do karaoke.
We’ll see.