Bloody hell…

Well, yesterday was a bit of a bummer when I got home. I had to deal with the Fight Night chat on MK Online last night, and had planned on using my Powerbook and my main PC at the same time to keep an eye on the channel, the IRC bot, and any problems that might arise. Well, I switched on the main PC, and the screen was filled with garbage characters. I ended up going through the event solely on the Powerbook until such time as I could investigate the problem with the main PC.

I ended up checking the machine, and found that the fan on my video card had stopped working. I can get a new heatsink and fan for the card, but the fact that it’s throwing out garbage characters at boot worries me. It’s very likely the card’s FUBARed now. *sigh* So, what I’m going to do is buy a heatsink/fan for a video card and a new video card for the main PC. If the old card starts working with the new heatsink/fan, then I can just return the video card. If not, I can just put the heatsink/fan on the new card. I’ll probably go to Fry’s tomorrow after work and pick them up. Besides, I don’t need anything fancy; I don’t play that many games on my PC anymore.

Oh, well… in the meantime I can still use my Powerbook. Fun fun…