An early start to the season’s givings…

Well, I got myself a very nice surprise when I got back to work from lunch today. :-) When I got back from lunch, I found a box from Amazon waiting for me. I was at first happy, but then got a bit perturbed, as the small box wasn’t big enough to hold the three CDs I had bought using the gift certificate Missy had gotten me. Then, I happened to see a larger box that also had Amazon’s markings on it addressed to me. I took them back to my desk, and out of curiosity, opened the smaller box.

The smaller box turned out to have a DVD… specifically, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I looked at the packing slip, and it turned out it was Jesse’s and Rob’s Christmas gift to me. Thanks, guys! I’ll probably watch it tomorrow evening, as tonight will be stuck working late…

The bigger box did in fact have the three CDs… so, once again, thanks Missy! :-)