I guess Shifter, for one, will be picking up the habit again.


Well it’s official folks! You can all scream like little girls and then pass out from complete exhaustion as Blizzard officially announces Diablo III at the 2008 Worldwide Invitational. Mike Morhaime told the audience at the opening ceremonies that they had a special announcement to make, the lights dimmed, and a guitar player took the stage, playing the unmistakable opening strains of the Diablo overworld theme. A trailer played, and Jay Wilson, lead designer of the game took the stage…to demo the game.

Interesting… so now Blizzard has upcoming games based on their two other big franchises (other meaning “other than Warcraft“). I was already planning on picking up StarCraft II when it comes out; I guess I can add this one to the queue as well. No matter… knowing Blizzard, it’ll be a while before either game is released. :-)

One thought on “I guess Shifter, for one, will be picking up the habit again.”

  1. Instead of updating this blog, Please update Mortal Kombat Online.

    It’s lacking on news, The Poll is never updated, and the layout doesn’t fit in all browsers.

    Another thing, I tried signing up for the Message Boards and it does not send me a Confirmation e-mail, And

    I can’t log in.

    Mortal Kombat Online need a new look for the new upcoming game.

    Please, Update the site. It is one of my favorites.

    Much Respect,


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