Stolen from Pandorah, who stole it from Dementia, who stole it from basbleugrrl, and so on…

We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious.

Not in a bad way, but in a ‘Wow! I wish I had that person’s hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.’

So tell me what about me makes you envy me… then post this in your blog and see what makes me envious of you.

One thought on “Stolen from Pandorah, who stole it from Dementia, who stole it from basbleugrrl, and so on…”

  1. That you have me to love. :-P Nah, I am not that conceited…I don’t think. Haha. Actually, I would have to say that the thing that makes me envious of you would be that you are there. I want to be where you are. Of course, that is mainly because I want to be with you. I love you.

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